ENPS - Student Wellbeing

Global Learners and Leaders

Exceeding Expectations

Student Wellbeing

Essendon North Primary School is committed to promoting an engaging, inclusive learning environment. Every member of the school community has a right to fully participate in an educational environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive and the right to be treated with respect and dignity. This is facilitated through a whole school approach based on the latest evidence and the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) Student Engagement and Inclusion Guidelines. 

Essendon North Primary School implements a range of measures to promote engagement, positive behaviour and respectful relationships for all students in the school. Our staff work collaboratively with students and parents/carers to establish fair and respectful behaviour policies and practices, based on our Guiding Statements, expected social competencies, a growth mindset and positive peer relationships.  We use a Response to Intervention model, this is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. We implement a range of universal, targeted group and individual strategies - inclusive of learning, safe at school and behaviour support plans. 

Essential Agreements

At the beginning of a new school year each home group develops an Essential Agreement, which enables students and teachers to develop a clear understanding of the agreed actions and behaviours of every member of the school community, beginning within their own home  group. 

Essential Agreements are co-constructed with students and agreed to by all participants. These set the tone for collaboration and teamwork and clearly outline the shared norms and expectations. Essential Agreements are also developed to provide guidelines for a range of school activities. These are inclusive of, but not limited to; specialist programs, playground behaviors, digital citizenship behaviours and staff and team expectations.

Bullying Prevention

Essendon North Primary has a no tolerance to bullying approach. We adopt a whole school approach when responding to issues and continually review our Student Wellbeing and Engagement GuidelinesEssential Agreements and Bullying Prevention Policy so that our school delivers a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students. We follow the guidelines and policies of the Victorian Department of Education and Training. Refer to the Bullying. No Way! website for further information. We promote the establishment and maintaince of healthy relationships, managing conflict with kindness and increased gratitide, empathy and mindfulness, through The Resilience Project's Education Program.

Buddy Program

At the beginning of the year all Foundation students are allocated a Year Five student as a ‘buddy’. The buddy system operates to support children to feel comfortable and secure in their new environment and provide a familiar face out in the playground.